Custom Search

Adsense Latest Update

* Custom H1 tags on every page (search engines love this)
* Custom Title Tags, Meta Description and Meta Keywords on EVERY page. Your site is not optimized without this!
* High click-through positioning and maximum number of AdSense ads on each and every page.
* RSS feeds on every page for fresh, unique content daily, with a script that doesn't let the search engines know you are linking to an external site.
* Short descriptions and links to more articles on every page, plus RSS feeds to defeat duplicate content filters. If you don't have this, you will never be found in search engines.
* Every page has different links to more articles, keeping each page fresh, and keeping visitors and search engine spiders hooked.
* Static File Names such as 1234.php, rather than dynamic URL's, helping each page get spidered easily by search engines.
* Complete Site Map to guarantee that search engines index all of your pages easily.
* Easy to follow instructions for getting your sites online in minutes. With a few changes to only 5 files in each site, you can customize the look and feel of your site, as well as link every revenue-generating page to your AdSense account.
* Customize the look of each site by changing just 2 files.

Disclaimer : We does not guarantee any income earning by joining any programs listed in this site. You must be comfortable with the amounts you invested otherwise go to different program. We can not be held in any way responsible to any losses you may incurred. © 2007, 2008 Spirit Of Bonoriau . All rights reserved. Powered By Blogger.